Welcome to the MedIComm Intellectual Property Portal
The Medical Innovation & Commercialisation Accelerator Programme is a collaboration between the University of Central Lancashire and the four Lancashire NHS Trusts.
below you will see a selection of the technologies and innovations developed by researchers based within the Trusts that are available to license for both commercial and non-commercial use. Whether you're looking to start a new company, enhance an existing product, or create a new product line, you can gain a competitive edge in the marketplace by putting our technology to work for you. Once you've found a technology, applying for an expoitation license is simple and straightforward.
We offer several license types including:
Non-Commercial/Academic License
Commercial License
Evaluation and Start-up Licenses
Choose an asset and we will work with you to design an agreement that helps you achieve your business goals.
A novel tracheostomy airway device
A patented medical device provides a novel way for securing a tracheostomy tube within the intensive care clinical setting